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what to expect at the solstice cabaret
Our lineup for the solstice arts market
the run of show at the solstice arts market

the Poetry Brothel Toronto’s Solstice Celebration:

 The Solstice Arts Market and Cabaret

20.06.24, hosted by the Poetry Brothel Toronto and  Rainhard Brewing Co. 

Guests and Poets floated - into a world where words dance and dreams come with fairy wings at the Solstice Cabaret and Arts Market.

“The sun shines brightly overhead as witches dance around a bonfire and feast on fruits and vegetables fresh from the fields.

Children laugh and play, rolling wheels that symbolize the sun and chasing shining bubbles that float through the air like faeries.

It is the Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer or Litha.

The earth rejoices in abundance and light, and so do we.”

-Deborah Blake in Midsummer: Rituals, Recipes, and Lore for Litha 

Solstice Arts Market

JUNE 20th, 2024

4PM - 7PM

Solstice Cabaret

JUNE 20th, 2024

8PM - 11:30PM

we had various artists at the arts market; some of their pieces are displayed here
the wonderful resin casting of killxjoy and their art, available for sale at the solstice market
madame titania introduces the arts market on the longest day
the work of ella CM, artist, poet, actor
marcus walker plays live for the solstice cabaret
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